Bus Service

Village Clusters
Proposals to expand Gillingham Services
View consultation website www.gillingham.consultationonline.co.uk
Contact 0800 298 7040, and a member of the tram will arrange for copies of the virtual consultation information to be sent in the post. or email feedback@consultation-online.co.uk

Geldeston Parish Council is looking for companies to tender for the grass cutting for 2023. If you are interested, please contact the Clerk.
Thank you
South Norfolk Village Clusters
Questions relating to Geldeston are Q 56- 60.
It's important to realise this is about allocating sites for development and not about planning issues. There's an expectation, however, that if a site is allocated then it will be developed for housing subject to planning permission.
The 'preferred' site in Geldeston is SN0437. This means it's been 'preferred' by SNDC but not yet allocated as a site, pending the outcome of this consultation.
The 'preferred' site in Geldeston is the field above the site where the new houses were built recently (previously called GEL1) up to the Old Yarmouth Road. It's said this is sufficient for 20 houses. It's outside the settlement boundary (shown by a red line) and outside the conservation area. The settlement boundary will be adjusted if the site is allocated.
I only hope that people in the new houses and in the Kell's estate generally know about this and have commented.
To find out more about the Village Clusters Housing Allocations Plan, please visit our Virtual Exhibition.
There are also two 'rejected' sites in Geldeston which are SN0207 (land at the top of Geldeston Hill to the left as you go up the hill - marked as recreation ground on the map) and SN1004 which is land behind the Wherry. The reasons for SNDC rejecting them are given but they need to be validated.
Landowners have a right to keep submitting sites and unallocated sites can be built on subject to planning permission.
Comments have to be submitted by 5pm on 2 August 2021.